Quality certifications are an extremely important recognition for production companies. Not only in the rice sector, and more generally in agriculture, but in all activities that supply a material product there are certain certificates which guarantee that the good has been produced according to certain parameters. These certifications may relate to different aspects of the process that the company carries out: some of them attest to compliance with environmental regulations, others to market competitiveness, and still others to safety, both for the producer and the consumer.
In the agricultural sector, and in particular in the rice sector, the most relevant certifications that can have the greatest impact on the consumer are certainly those concerning the quality of the end product, the safety of the production system with regard to the marketed good, or being organic. For example, some agencies ensure that rice is produced by sustainable means and procedures and without the use of certain harmful substances, that pesticides are used responsibly, and in general that the rice is of high quality. In addition, other aspects that are assessed and subject to certification are geographical area – i.e. origin from a certain area – or competitive presence in the market.
These official certifications are used to make the consumer aware of the quality of the product and ensure that it corresponds to the expectations and parameters defined by law.
There are different possibilities for the award of quality certifications in the rice sector.
In some cases, certifications are the direct consequence of national or international regulations. In fact, these certificates are awarded following confirmation by an inspection body that the required parameters have been met. From this point of view, Organic Certification depends on EU regulations. It is one of the most important certificates not only for rice producers, but for any company belonging to the agricultural sector. In order to obtain the label ‘organic’ and the corresponding logo, it is necessary to comply with the parameters laid down in Reg. EU 848/2018. In this case, the certificate is issued by certain bodies recognised directly by the EU, which only perform this action following the necessary checks and inspections. An example of such a body is Bioagricert, a body founded in Italy, where it is the main certification body in said area, but with international reach as well.
There are also numerous other certifications that depend on independent organisations. Again in this case, certifying the quality of the product involves authorised independent bodies that are approved by the organisations themselves.
As introduced earlier, there are many possible types of certificates for product quality, based on the type of area for which it is issued, the entity and many other variables. There are some that are more representative, however, because they can be adapted on a large scale or because they are considered more reliable.
The EU Organic Certification is one of the most important certifications, because it applies not only to the rice sector, but to the entire agricultural field, and is internationally valid, as it is awarded in Europe but also recognised abroad.
Another of the most coveted certificates is the BRC Global Standards. It is issued by the RINA company and is recognised by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), one of the most important food associations in the world. The parameters that are taken into account cover the entire area of food safety, with a focus on production management, hygiene, product control, traceability and supplier management. A typical aspect of this system and one that makes it among the most accredited is the fact that it makes use of an HACCP system, i.e. a set of procedures aimed at carrying out a series of controls on production, with the aim of prevention, and not on the product.
Definitely worth mentioning is Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA): this is a standard developed by the SAI Platform based on certain requirements of the sustainable agricultural industry, with the aim of ensuring that production takes place in a sustainable manner from a GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) perspective. Starting from the Planet-Profit-People principle, social, environmental, economic and management aspects are assessed, on which the certification is then based.
As prestigious as the above is the FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification Scheme 22000) standard. It, too, concerns food safety systems and has the precise goal of endorsing quality standards, certification requirements and safety methods for all companies that adhere to this system and apply for certification. Its huge importance is determined by the fact that it was the first food safety system recognised by GSFI and all European accreditation bodies.
There are many others, more or less recognised and accredited by various international organisations and bodies, such as IFS, GlobalGAP and Fair Trade.
Mundi Riso boasts a wide range of certifications. In 2005, it obtained Bioagricert certification according to Reg. EC 834/2007, which guarantees organic production that respects natural soil fertility and biodiversity.
It also holds BRCGS certification, applicable from version 8 of 2019, which ensures the healthiness of products through a strict HACCP system.
Mundi Riso is also Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) certified for sustainability and IFS certified for the food safety system, while Kosher certification ensures compliance with Jewish food laws. Finally, it has obtained FSSC 22000 certification for food safety requirements throughout the supply chain, guaranteeing safe and high quality products.
An Italian company belonging entirely to the Spanish Ebro Foods Group, the first agri-food group in Spain, world leader in the rice sector, a strong position in pasta sector, boasts a range of over 60 brands distributed all over the world.
Mundi Riso S.r.l.
Via Camillo De Rossi, 14
13100 Vercelli
Tel. +39 0161 28 28 28
Fax: +39 0161 21 33 65
P.IVA 01818090027